About us


“The only sure thing in TIM is change”.


From trading in beer and milk to the largest distributor of electrotechnical articles in Poland, spanning a quarter of a century of experience in traditional trade with the advanced e-commerce technology. This is how to describe the changes that have occurred within almost 35 years in TIM in one sentence.

Year 1987

TIM commences its activity

On 25 November Spółdzielcze Przedsiębiorstwo TIM Sp. z o.o. is established. It is the result of signing of the company’s articles of association between Młodzieżowa Spółdzielnia Pracy „Unita” in Wrocław and three friends studying at Wrocław University of Technology: Krzysztof Folta, Krzysztof Wieczorkowski and Bogumił Moszczyński.
TIM starts as a design studio, although at the same time it also provides services, primarily consisting in measurements, control and installation. The end of the 1980s also adds commercial activity – to start with the sale of exquisitely innovative, as for the times, milk in cartons plus beer. In April 1991 TIM starts to create a nationwide network of electrical wholesale companies.
Year 1994

First “daughter” company

In 1994 TIM Sp. z o.o. is established in Świdnica. It is not, however, another electrical wholesale company but it takes over the tasks of the current innovation and implementation division of TIM Sp. z o.o.
The new company initially deals with the trade in electrotechnical articles, however the object of its business is also production of measuring instruments and luminaires, as also provision of services. In 1998 it changed its name and legal form to Sonel SA. The company is still operating and is involved in the production of high quality measuring instruments for power engineering and telecommunications. It is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In 1999, the growing share of revenues from services is the reason for the separation from TIM SA of another business entity. Elektrotim SA with its registered office in Wrocław takes over production and service activities carried out till then by the Technical Department of TIM SA. Similarly to Sonel SA, Elektrotim SA is continuing and developing its business and is also present on the WSE.

TIM commences its activity

On 25 November Spółdzielcze Przedsiębiorstwo TIM Sp. z o.o. is established. It is the result of signing of the company’s articles of association between Młodzieżowa Spółdzielnia Pracy „Unita” in Wrocław and three friends studying at Wrocław University of Technology: Krzysztof Folta, Krzysztof Wieczorkowski and Bogumił Moszczyński.
TIM starts as a design studio, although at the same time it also provides services, primarily consisting in measurements, control and installation. The end of the 1980s also adds commercial activity – to start with the sale of exquisitely innovative, as for the times, milk in cartons plus beer. In April 1991 TIM starts to create a nationwide network of electrical wholesale companies.

First “daughter” company

In 1994 TIM Sp. z o.o. is established in Świdnica. It is not, however, another electrical wholesale company but it takes over the tasks of the current innovation and implementation division of TIM Sp. z o.o.
The new company initially deals with the trade in electrotechnical articles, however the object of its business is also production of measuring instruments and luminaires, as also provision of services. In 1998 it changed its name and legal form to Sonel SA. The company is still operating and is involved in the production of high quality measuring instruments for power engineering and telecommunications. It is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In 1999, the growing share of revenues from services is the reason for the separation from TIM SA of another business entity. Elektrotim SA with its registered office in Wrocław takes over production and service activities carried out till then by the Technical Department of TIM SA. Similarly to Sonel SA, Elektrotim SA is continuing and developing its business and is also present on the WSE.
Year 1998

Debut on the WSE

The first listing of TIM SA on the Warsaw Stock Exchange took place on 16 February 1998.
The price of TIM SA shares reaches at that time the level of PLN 9.80 to soar in the subsequent days to almost PLN 12. TIM is one of only 160 companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange back then.
Year 2008

The great move

In May, for the first time in history, TIM SA moves its registered office outside Wrocław to Siechnice located nearby. Here two years earlier the company had purchased a 19.7-hectare real property to build a logistics centre and an office building. Construction works started in June 2007. This was possible thanks to the previously issued series F shares.
After the logistic centre in Toruń is closed in 2009 (it supplied northern and central Poland), the facility in Siechnice becomes the only one of the kind in TIM SA and provides services to branches and customers across the county.
Year 2011

Formation of the TIM Group

In autumn TIM SA purchases shares of a Bydgoszcz company MARKETEO.COM from Oponeo.pl SA becoming its majority shareholder.
MARKETEO.COM holds 100% shares in Narzedzia.pl SA – an operator of an online store www.narzedzia.pl with power tools in its offer and of a dozen of e-stores under the brand Rotopino operating in other European Union countries. This is how the e-commerce adventure of TIM SA begins. Soon a merger of Narzedzia.pl SA with MARKETEO.COM S.A is effected – the company takes the name ROTOPINO.PL S.A. This is how the TIM Group is established.

Debut on the WSE

The first listing of TIM SA on the Warsaw Stock Exchange took place on 16 February 1998.
The price of TIM SA shares reaches at that time the level of PLN 9.80 to soar in the subsequent days to almost PLN 12. TIM is one of only 160 companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange back then.

The great move

In May, for the first time in history, TIM SA moves its registered office outside Wrocław to Siechnice located nearby. Here two years earlier the company had purchased a 19.7-hectare real property to build a logistics centre and an office building. Construction works started in June 2007. This was possible thanks to the previously issued series F shares.
After the logistic centre in Toruń is closed in 2009 (it supplied northern and central Poland), the facility in Siechnice becomes the only one of the kind in TIM SA and provides services to branches and customers across the county.

Formation of the TIM Group

In autumn TIM SA purchases shares of a Bydgoszcz company MARKETEO.COM from Oponeo.pl SA becoming its majority shareholder.
MARKETEO.COM holds 100% shares in Narzedzia.pl SA – an operator of an online store www.narzedzia.pl with power tools in its offer and of a dozen of e-stores under the brand Rotopino operating in other European Union countries. This is how the e-commerce adventure of TIM SA begins. Soon a merger of Narzedzia.pl SA with MARKETEO.COM S.A is effected – the company takes the name ROTOPINO.PL S.A. This is how the TIM Group is established.
Year 2013

TIM.pl e-store is launched

In July TIM SA launches an online TIM Store (beta version available since May 2013) – initially at the address sklep.tim.pl and ultimately – www.tim.pl.
This is the first e-store in the Polish electrotechnical industry whose offer (along with price information) is available to all customers – both consumers and entrepreneurs. In addition, the vast majority of the offer are products available immediately, which means the ones sent to the place indicated by the customer within 24 hours of placing an order (on business days).

TIM.pl e-store is launched

In July TIM SA launches an online TIM Store (beta version available since May 2013) – initially at the address sklep.tim.pl and ultimately – www.tim.pl.
This is the first e-store in the Polish electrotechnical industry whose offer (along with price information) is available to all customers – both consumers and entrepreneurs. In addition, the vast majority of the offer are products available immediately, which means the ones sent to the place indicated by the customer within 24 hours of placing an order (on business days).
Year 2014

Jubilee, great changes, bigger group of companies

Jubilee, great changes, bigger group of companies To highlight the changes in the company’s business – moving from the traditional commerce époque to a hybrid model combining competences acquired in the past quarter of the century with the latest e-commerce technology – TIM changes its logotype for the first time ever.
The existing branches of TIM SA availing of their own warehouses are transformed into commercial offices and all orders with direct shipment to the customer are realised by the logistics centre in Siechnice. Already half of TIM’s turnover comes from the e-commerce channel. A symbolic confirmation of the role of the Internet channel is the transfer of the TIM Store from the address sklep.tim.pl to the main company internet domain, i.e. www.tim.pl. During the formal gala on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of running the business, organized on 13 June at the Wrocław Opera, TIM presents its new logo. At the same time the TIM Group of Companies is joined by two more companies: EL-IT SA and Sun Electro Sp. z o.o. In November TIM SA’s headquarters are transferred from Siechnice to the Arkady Wrocławskie office building in the centre of the capital of Lower Silesia. This is also the company’s registered office as of February 2015. The Logistics Centre of TIM SA still operates in its current location, i.e. in Siechnice.
Year 2016

Logistics anew

On 1 July 3LP SA – another company in the TIM Group of Companies – becomes the operator of the logistics centre in Siechnice. The company is formed from the former Logistics Department of TIM SA.
3LP is 100% owned by TIM and specializes in automated outsourcing of logistics services to entities from the e-commerce sector, also those from outside the TIM Group of Companies . After the extension works have finished, lasting from in mid-December 2016 to June 2017, the surface area of ​​the facility in Siechnice grows from 12,000 to over 40,000 sq.m.

Logistics anew

On 1 July 3LP SA – another company in the TIM Group of Companies – becomes the operator of the logistics centre in Siechnice. The company is formed from the former Logistics Department of TIM SA.
3LP is 100% owned by TIM and specializes in automated outsourcing of logistics services to entities from the e-commerce sector, also those from outside the TIM Group of Companies . After the extension works have finished, lasting from in mid-December 2016 to June 2017, the surface area of ​​the facility in Siechnice grows from 12,000 to over 40,000 sq.m.

“History is important, but the future is more interesting.”

Krzysztof Folta