Great summary of record-breaking TIM Mikołajów (TIM Santas) 2023 campaign: nearly PLN 400,000 for 21 local institutions
This year’s edition of TIM SA’s Christmas initiative was held under the slogan ‘The Magic of Joint Work’, breaking records not only in terms of budget and the number of institutions supported, but also in terms of the greatest involvement of business partners and Internet users.
TIM Santas is TIM SA’s annual Christmas campaign, the idea of which is to forgo the purchase of Christmas gifts and book calendars for customers in exchange for supporting local organisations.
It is not only the company’s employees who are involved in the initiative. The main idea of TIM Santas is to work together by including business partners and customers. Manufacturers offering their range of assortment on support the campaign by increasing the budget from their own funds. Customers, in turn, have a decisive say in who receives financial support. Each Customer is assigned to one of the trade offices, covering the whole of Poland, and has the opportunity to choose from three local institutions when voting online.
The greatest edition of all time
TIM Santas 2023 goes down in history as unique and record-breaking in many ways. The addition of as many as 67 business partners represents an increase of almost 40% compared to the previous edition of the initiative. Their joint commitment brought the budget of the entire campaign to an impressive amount of PLN 399,750, constituting another record in the project’s history. As a result, 18 beneficiaries will receive donations worth PLN 20,500 each. This year, for the first time, additional support of PLN 10,250 will also go to each of the three organisations that were in the top positions nationwide, but did not take first place in their regions.
TIM Santas 2023 also received exceptional recognition among customers and other Internet users, with 28,489 users voting in the poll. This translates into an impressive increase of more than 157% compared to the previous edition and demonstrates the growing community enthusiasm around the initiative.
– The fourth edition of TIM Santas is behind us. If we add up the budgets of all the editions so far, including this year’s budget, it turns out that the support funded by TIM and the manufacturers present on has already amounted to nearly PLN 1.4 million – says Piotr Nosal, member of the Board and commercial director of TIM SA. – I am particularly impressed by this year’s records. Nearly 28,500 votes attest to the project’s rapidly growing popularity. I am very grateful to our business partners who, despite the difficult situation on the electrotechnical market, decided to get involved in the campaign, which translated into the highest budget of all TIM Santas editions – adds Piotr Nosal.
The power of partnership
The following companies joined TIM Santas in 2023: ACI Partner, Aniro, Apator, Awex, BAKS, BATNA24, B.E.G., Bemko, Bitner, Breve, CELLPAK, Cynk-Mal, DAMIR, DOKTORVOLT, Eaton, Elektrokabel, Elektromet, ELEKTRO-PLAST, Elit, Elko-Bis, ELPAR, ELS Elektrotechnika, Eltrim Kable, EM Group, Ergom, ERKO, ETI Polam, F&F, Finder, Hager, HARTING, HELIOS, HELUKABEL, Intelight, JakoHurt, Kanlux, KENO, Knipex, Kontakt-Simon, KOPOS, Lanberg, LEDVANCE, Legrand, Marmat, Milwaukee, NKT, OBO Bettermann, ORNO Group, Ospel, PCE, Plastrol, Prysmian Group, PXF Lighting, Rawlplug, Relpol, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Sonel, Spamel, TIGA-CYNK, TM Technologie, TOPEX, TT Plast, V-TAC, Wera, Wiha, Zamel. Thank you for your commitment!
Beneficiaries of TIM Santas 2023
Below is a list of all the beneficiaries that won the most votes in each region and the other three nationwide top institutions:
Donations of PLN 20,500
Biuro Handlowe TIM SA | Beneficjent |
Bydgoszcz |
Stowarzyszenie Uśmiech Nadziei Dzieciom |
Centrala | Fundacja NON LICET |
Częstochowa | Placówka Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcza „Maja” w Kłobucku |
Gdańsk | Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Hospicjum Elbląskiego |
Katowice | Fundacja Iskierka |
Leszno | Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Osób Niepełnosprawnych „Nasz Dom – Nasz Świat” |
Lublin | Fundacja Po Ludzku Do Zwierząt – Przyjazna Łapa |
Łódź | Fundacja dla Dzieci z Chorobami Nowotworowymi „Krwinka” |
Opole | Stowarzyszenie Rodzin i Przyjaciół Autystów „Mały Książę” w Kędzierzynie Koźlu |
Poznań | Fundacja Ochrony Zwierząt AnimaLove w Rakoniewicach |
Radom | Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Ignacego Daszyńskiego w Radomiu |
Szczecin | Zachodniopomorskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Dzieci |
Toruń | Fundacja Pomocy Samotnym Matkom |
Wałbrzych | Polskie Towarzystwo na Rzecz Osób z Niepełnosprawnością Intelektualną – Warsztat Terapii Zajęciowej w Mokrzeszowie |
Warszawa | Fundacja Naszpikowani |
WOK (Centrala) | Fundacja na Rzecz Rewaloryzacji Miasta Śrem |
Wrocław | Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Dzieciom i Ich Rodzinom w Szczególnie Trudnej Sytuacji Życiowej „ISKIERKA” |
Zielona Góra | Zielonogórskie Stowarzyszenie Amazonek |
Donations of PLN 10,250
Biuro Handlowe TIM SA | Beneficjent |
Częstochowa | Częstochowskie Hospicjum dla Dzieci |
Lublin | Fundacja Rozwiń Skrzydła |
Toruń | Hospicjum Nadzieja |